
UK Import & Export

We provide Import and Export declarations via ports of entry and exits covered by CNS and MCP. Our Customs Automation platform coordinates activities from start to finish and is constantly evolving in line with our customer’s needs. We retain all relevant backup information for every declaration we raise and provide the appropriate documentation to your supply chain dependents instantly using our notifications engine.

Inward Processing &
Customs Warehousing

Our Customs Automation platform originates from regime management. The platform offers extensive support for managing these regimes to extract the maximum available duty savings for you. Our platform is configurable to needs and provides full traceability of the historical life cycle of all assets under your regime configuration, and supports serial numbered and volume-based asset management.

Goods Vehicle Movement
Services (GVMS)

Bacsoft Limited are registered with the Goods Vehicle Movement Service and can generate a Goods Movement Reference (GMR) at a moment’s notice. To ensure your shipment gets from A to B with no issues, we do not charge for this benefit when you sign up for one of our other services. Simply request for GVMS to be complete alongside your declaration request and we’ll get right on this!

Why Choose Us?

What seperates bacsoft from other brokers?

Affordable Services

We offer a fixed price of £20 per declaration plus on-costs. This is regardless of preference, customs procedures, and commodity codes. Provided that your shipment data is in a structured, machine-readable format, you can have access to our highly competitive rates.

Round the Clock Support

Relax knowing that we will always be around to assist you and your every need! Our service desk hours are 06:00-18:00 Monday to Friday and 06:00-14:00 Saturday. Outside these hours, we operate an on-call rota with an escalation plan.

Excellent Customer Service

Customer care is our number 1 priority. We take pride in our swift response times and aim to submit declarations within two working hours of receipt. Our rapid response to issues and post problem rectification instils confidence and trust within all of our clients.

Advanced Reporting

Using data collated, we are constantly enhancing our management platform to provide end-to-end tracking of business-critical activities. These activities are supported by an API to facilitate the tracking of ships, status of containers, and direct feedback to truck drivers based on GVMS events.

Automated Notifications

Progress reporting of declaration preparation and all associated evidence is seamless. Based on the interest you or your supply chain may have, we configure our application to automatically advise you of everything you and your extended team need to know.

Bespoke Software

To maximise transparency, automation, productivity, and quality, we developed a bespoke customs automation platform to support our services. This allows us to proactively respond to changes in the environment and realise optimisations far quicker than third-party software vendors.


Our Technology

Based on our strong background in the development, build and implementation of industrial-scale software, we have opted to support our services with proprietary software. The primary decision point in this approach stems from proactively responding to changes in the environment, and realising efficiencies far quicker than if we relied on software providers to catch up. Our software is honed to maximise automation, productivity, and quality.

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ISO Certification & Commitment to Quality

We have invested heavily in ISO, as proper adoption permits a deeper understanding of our business and the removal of single points of failure. We understand the skills profile of our team, and everyone follows their tailored path of professional development.

Our ISO 9001 Certification covers Software development & Consultancy, Systems Integration, Customs Clearance Activities, and the provision of managed IT services. Take comfort in knowing that all work completed your behalf will be quality managed to this specification!

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